Sunday, April 10, 2011

Work Cited

Nakate, Shashank. "Animal Cruelty Facts." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 14 Sept. 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.

Team, Petside. "5 Simple Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty | Dog & Cat Health, Wellness, Products and Breed Information." | Pet Health Information, Dog & Cat Breeds, Pet News. 31 Mar. 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.

Chitranshi, Mansi. "Animal Cruelty Cases, Laws and Statistics." - Enlighten Your Mind. 5 Feb. 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.

Fernandez, Jennifer. "Activists Want Stiffer Animal Cruelty Laws in N.C. : : Greensboro & the Triad's Most Trusted Source for Local News and Analysis." 12 Mar. 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.

Anderson, Jennifer. 24 Aug. 2002. Web. 3 Mar. 2011. .

Pertelle, Alexis. "The Horrors of Animal Abuse." Blogspot. Web. 12 Nov. 2005. .

Johnson, Brittany. Blogspot. 26 May 2001. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. .

Davis, Jennet. BBC News. 3 June 2006. Web. 3 Apr. 2011. .

Team, The. "Organizations Working to End Animal Abuse | Dog & Cat Health, Wellness, Products and Breed Information." | Pet Health Information, Dog & Cat Breeds, Pet News. 23 Aug. 2008. 10 Apr. 2011 .

Team, The Petside. "Organizations Working to End Animal Abuse | Dog & Cat Health, Wellness, Products and Breed Information." | Pet Health Information, Dog & Cat Breeds, Pet News. 17 Feb. 2007. 10 Apr. 2011 .

Reflection Paragraph on Sources

Thanks to the sources I have found, it made it more simpler for me to get information on my topic. Since my essential questions were not to complicate it was pretty easy for me to find some amazing sources. Out of all my sources the most useful was buzzle. Buzzle was the most useful because it gave a large amount of information for my topic, which I used to help me on the first finding paragraph. The thing I like the most about this website there ws not much bias. Another one of my most trustworthy sources came from one of my classmates which helped me finish my Third finding paragraph.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflection Paragraph on Process

During the time I developed my blog I felt like I actually learned something about this topic. Before I was hesitant about doing this topic, but after going through the whole project I began to get more relaxed with working on this topic. I enjoyed talking about animal abuse and the effects that it had on the animals, but there were some parts of my research that shocked me. For example, when I looked the kind of ways animal have been abused it showed some animals were kicked, beaten, drowned, burned, thrown, and hung. The difficulties of this project for myself was finding out what kind of things someone would do to another living creature. If I could do this project again differently, I would work on getting my post done on time and citing all of my sources.

Wordle #2

Wordle: Wordle #2

Reflection Paragraph on Findings

Based on the research I have done on my topic I have become more knowledgeable on animal abuse. Most of the information I found in my research I never knew about. For example, when I found out that Florida had the most known cases of animal abuse(68 cases). I also found out that animal abuse goes far beyond just hitting an animal; it animal cruelty is poisoning, kicking, hitting, drowning, etc. I still would like to know if animal cruelty has began to decrease over the last five years? Has animal abuse gotten worst since 2009?  I really enjoyed my topic because it gave me a better understanding of animal abuse, and it shows me the ways someone can prevent animal abuse if they saw it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finding Paragraph #3

The animal abuse cannot be justified by just saying you hit animals. Animal abuse is not about hitting it is about the scars you leave on the animal-- the pain you leave-- the fear you leave is way worst then the animal's outwards appearance. For example, dog fighting the owner would make his dog fight another dog. If the owner's dog win he gets money, but if the dog lose the owner would abandon the dog, torture it, burn it, or just plain put the dog to sleep. The fact that someone could do things like that to another living being is down right inhumane. Another form of animal abuse is also animal testing. "More than 5 billion tax dollars are invested in animal experiments every year." Some of the cons against animal testing is killing animals for the sake of testing products being completely unethical. Another example of the cons would be it is very expensive to carry experiments on animals, therefore it should not be considered. The main reason there should be no animal testing is because it is also assumed that, most of these testing animals die due to human errors occur either in the concentration of the drug or the amount. This again is considered as wastage of life. This helps my topic because it gives more example of different animal cruelty as well as it tells some of the cons for animal testing.

Finding Paragraph #2

People have always wanted to know why someone would want to abuse an animal. Animal abuse is caused by the state of mind someone is in. For example, "Studies on the reasons behind animal cruelty have exposed a number of motives on the part of abusers. These include giving pain and suffering to animals for some specific benefit or hurting animals for pleasure, apathy towards the suffering of animals etc." Causing pain to animal is inhuman  if it is for the wrong reasons. Hitting, kicking, or throwing animal can cause an animal great pain or worst. If a person is in the wrong state of mind an animal could be scared for the rest of its life. "The activities related to intentional abuse have deep connections to some severe psychological problems. Surveys conducted on psychiatric patients reveal that people with psychopathic personality disorders have a tendency to torture pets and other small animals." A person with mental problems whether they do it by accident or intentially it is still a crime. We cannot blame them, but they do still need to be punished. This information relates to my topic because it tells some of the cases why a person would want to be cruel to an animal 

Finding Paragraph #1

In the cases of animal cruelty it has not just been a single person that made it a big deal, but also how many cases happened in a certain state. For example, "There were 832 cases of animal abuse reported in the year 2009 (in the United States). The states like Florida (68 cases), California (50 cases) and Pennsylvania (51 cases) were leading in cases of animal abuse". The cases in Florida were the highest among all other states in the United States. In each case for animal abuse there were evidence of throwing, beating, kicking, drowning, burning, shooting, bestiality, and hanging. Can you imagine the kind of pain those animals went through- could you say that they would be alright- would you be able to walk away. This relates to my topic because it gives me an exact estimate of how many cases of animal abuse there were in 2009 and it tells me which states had the highest known amount of animal cruelty within them. There are animal cruelty laws in every state, some of the laws have better punishments then other states. For example, in South Carolina a case of animal cruelty the maximum sentence for first offense is "Cruelty: Fine of $100-$500, imprisonment up to 60 days. Torture, Mutilates or Cruelly Kills: Fine of $5000 AND imprisonment of 180 days to 5 years." Another example would be a from the Texas maximum sentence is "Cruelty: Fine up to $4000, imprisonment up to 1 year.
Torture, Kill, Fighting, etc.: Fine up to $10,000, imprisonment from 180 days to 2 years." These punishments are good, but they could be better. It does not give the exact punishment that the criminal deserve for he or she first offense. This relates to my topic because it tells the exact punishment for every state for a first event, also how much a fine would be for abusing an animal.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quote, Paraphase, and Citation #5

We have heard of an old saying 'Dogs a man's best friend'. Most of us must have read Black Beauty at least once. The lion is the king of the jungle, a fact even kids from kindergarten are aware of. There are many other instances where animals are thought of as our friends. Yet, we tend to inflict pain and torture on our friends.

'Dogs a man's best friend'. We have all heard of this quote, but can you actually say that you treated your dog or other pet as if it was your friend. Did you take care of it- did you keep it safe- did you show it any compassion. If you said yes to any of these look deep in your mind and really answer. “Animal cruelty is not an issue that is unheard of.” We all have heard of times when we seen animal being harmed or hurt. We also have actually seen times when animal was abused, but did you say something or did you keep on walking as if it never happened.
Animal cruelty is not an issue that is unheard of. Since time immemorial, man, the highest up in the food chain, has tortured those beneath him. Practically all animal species have been abused by man in some way or the other. Humans are thought to be the most clever of all species. Still, when we look at the animal abuse statistics, mankind is put to shame.

Quote, Paraphase, and Citation #4

There are a variety of organizations that strive to end animal abuse. Each group has a different focus, but their ultimate goal is the same: helping animals live safe and healthy lives.

This article tells about different types of organizations that will help stop animal abuse, and also stop animal cruelty. For example, “Humane Society of the United States: One of the oldest and most respected animal welfare organizations, it does not operate shelters (despite the name "humane society," also used by many local rescue groups), but instead uses its considerable wealth to fight animal abuses and educate the public about proper treatment of animals.” Another of these examples would be “American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): This organization focuses primarily on the protection of companion animals. Its activities include a pet poison-control hotline, education efforts to raise standards in shelters and the Humane Law Enforcement division, which has investigatory powers in New York state.” These places along with others are here to show people how to prevent animal cruelty, and also what you can do to help your animals in your home.

Graph/Chart/Map and Citatin

These graph relates to my topic because it relates to one of my essential questions. This chart shows what are some of the conseqences for animal cruelty. Also this chart shows what are the percentages of the punishment whether it is community service, case is dismissed, or actually serving jail time.

Quote,Summary,Source Analysis, and Citation #3

Now Susie’s supporters will gather Sunday to rally again — this time to advocate for tougher animal cruelty laws in North Carolina. They’re going door-to-door in Guilford County with information on the state’s laws, which allowed Susie’s abuser to get off with what they say is a light sentence.
In this article the author tells of an animal cruelty case that did not go through. The judge said that the man could not be convicted. The case was “You might remember her as the badly burned and beaten puppy found in a south Greensboro park last summer. Earlier this month, a judge sentenced Lashawn Whitehead to probation for felony animal cruelty, a judgment that followed the state’s structured sentencing laws. Whitehead, 21 , also received six to eight months in prison for setting personal property on fire.” This tells that the animal cruelty law in North Carolina is strict. The thing that set this case off was the man who burned the animal puppy was let off with only probation.

Photo,Caption, and Citation #3
This image helps relate to my topic because it tells what my topic is mainly about. This photo tells what I am trying tell to the people who is following, and looking at my blog. This image states that we as a people should stop abusing animals, stop animal cruelty, and to stop the slaughtering of animals.

Quote, Summary, Source Analysis , Citation

We seldom forget the fact that an animal is a living being too just like us. Just like us, it needs has the right to live peacefully in this world. However, brutality towards animals is prevalent in all forms, either deliberately or accidentally. Prevention of animal cruelty is very crucial and is the call for today bearing in mind the inconsiderateness that is on the rise amongst people.
The author is stating that we do sometimes forget that animals are living beings. Even though we know this information we still treat them as if they had no kind of life- as if they felt no pain- as if they did not lives to live. The author states that animal cruelty can happen both deliberately and accidently. It is one thing for it to happen accidently, but even an accident can cause you with grief and problems.  If you try to harm an animal deliberately then what are you getting out of it? What do you plan to walk away with happiness, joy, or are you just in the mood to hit something that cannot hit you back. If people can realize that animals deserve just as much as peace as we do then animal cruelty will begin to decrease. Animal cruelty is a problem and must be stopped because it is steadily increasing, so help stop it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

prelimany links

Nakate, Shashank. "Animal Cruelty Facts." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 14 Sept. 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. .

Team, Petside. "5 Simple Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty | Dog & Cat Health, Wellness, Products and Breed Information." | Pet Health Information, Dog & Cat Breeds, Pet News. 31 Mar. 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. .

Chitranshi, Mansi. "Animal Cruelty Cases, Laws and Statistics." - Enlighten Your Mind. 5 Feb. 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. .

Fernandez, Jennifer. "Activists Want Stiffer Animal Cruelty Laws in N.C. : : Greensboro & the Triad's Most Trusted Source for Local News and Analysis." Home Page : : Greensboro & the Triad's Most Trusted Source for Local News and Analysis. 12 Mar. 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. .

Monday, March 21, 2011

Post, captation, and citation #2

This picture is indeed sad, but do you know why it is sad? This picture shows what happens when someone has no kind of respect to an animal. This does not just show animal abuse, but it goes even past that. This poor animal has been arrowed through the head, yet it is still alive. Was this someone’s sick little prank, if so what could give you to do this to a small cat.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Quote,Summary,Source Analysis, and Citation

The very act of cruelty to animals is not ‘human’. The subsequent standard of interaction that causes an animal distress is unwarranted. The unnecessary suffering caused to animals only robs the planet and environment of its inherent nature of co-existence. In order to counter the undeniable existence of cruelty to animals, the governments all over the world have set standards applicable to animal cruelty legislation and its effective enforcement. These set paradigms may vary between different jurisdictions slightly and range from non-existent to more comprehensive measures. Animal cruelty measures, those that establish them, and the acts and conditions under which treatment towards animals is considered ‘cruel’ may also vary.

The very act of cruelty to animals is not ‘human’. In order to counter the undeniable existence of cruelty to animals, the governments all over the world have set standards applicable to animal cruelty legislation and its effective enforcement.  Also, this would indeed help out more for the animal cruelty problem. For example, this plan has no negative effects on the United States or the world.  Also it shows positives effect on this problem. For example, it  will take care of the animal who have been abused or to future animals with abusive owners.

Photo, Caption, and Citation

This image relates to my topic, because it shows the scars of an animal which has been abused. Also it show the different kind of scars. For example, some of the scars look more older than some of the others. What kind of person would do this to an animal? This is the prime example of the my topic, of how animals are mistreated and beaten.


Wordle: Animal Abuse

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Big Questions

Create your own video slideshow at

What I would like to learn

Why do people choose to abuse and mistreat animals is it out of fun, or out of anger? Also, which state in America is known for animal abuse? For example, if we know what state is known for abusing animal the most we can focus some attention on that area. Why would someone want to hurt an animal? What if you were abused, how would you feel? For example, that person would know how it feels to be that animal he/she has been hurting.  Should people serve jail time for animal abuse; if so, how long? How could someone harm a defenseless animal? What do they get out of causing this animal harm; it is like hitting an elderly person in the face. You do not get any satisfaction out of doing it.  If I can answer these questions maybe we can find a way to fix these animal abuse problems. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Behind the Wall

Why do people think it is right to mistreat animals? Do they not deserve to have peaceful lives like us? I choose this topic to help stop the animal abuse that has been going on in my state, and also in the world. When people hurt animals do they get some kind of pleasure out of it? I do not see what people kind of people would hurt an animal out of anger. As if it couldn't not get any worst some people would not just abuse the animal they would also kill the animal. How could someone look in the mirror and not have any quilt for what they have done? I want to end this. I want to speak for the animals who have been mistreated, even for the ones that have been taken from this world as well.


My topic is widely known already, but I believe there is more to it. It is being taking care of like it should be. I first learned about my topic in the 7th grade; back then I did not really know how bad animals have been treated. Since then my topic has always caught my attention every time I heard about animal cruelty. My freshman year I had a Civics project that helped understand the problem even more. The project involved going out and reaching into our community to help with problems. One of the problems that I saw that was a little common was animal cruelty. Since then I have seen some changes from then. Animal cruelty has gone down slightly, but it is still around. All that I have learned about animal abuse is that it is a problem that must be fixed, must be fixed fast.